
Tuesday 2nd March





Live Zoom broadcast at 10.00 am

Phonics and literacy

Overview of the day’s lessons



 Remember to take time out and share a book for at least 5/10

minutes a day.


Alternative pronunciation for graphemes



LO: I can use an adjective.



I can describe an animal.




Add an adjective to your planning sheet (a word to describe your animal)


Think about the colour, size and appearance of your animal to give you some ideas. You may also think about the way your animal moves or what it sounds like!


You could make a list of describing words for each of your animals and choose your favourite one.

Planning sheet


Paper and pencil



L.O. Activity - To count to 50 by making 10s

S.C. I can count to 50 by making 10s


Main: Watch White Rose video


Follow the link below:



If you have buttons, straws, counters etc., make up bundles of 10 (as suggested in video) up to 50.

Use the number square to colour every 10th number. Look at the rows and columns, discuss the patterns.

Extra- Fill in the blank number square (use the one that is filled in to support) use a different colour for every 10th number.



1-50 number square, crayons







L.O. To understand geophysical similarities and differences.

To talk about different features using the correct vocabulary. 

To use maps and globes to identify countries and continents.


S.C. I can talk about Kenya using the correct vocabulary e.g. beach, forest, hill, mountain, sea, river, season & weather, city, town, village, farm, house, shop.

I can use a map or globe to locate different countries.



Watch BBC Bitesize ‘Life of a Maasai’ please use the link below



Recap the continents with your child. Can they remember where they are on the or on a globe?

Find Kenya on the map/globe.


After watching the Bitesize clip discuss what is the same/different about where the Maasai live and Great Barford. Encourage the children to use the correct vocabulary to describe.


Look at the photo pack and see if your child can identify which photos are of Kenya or the UK. Discuss reasons.  


Draw your favourite picture of Kenya and write a sentence/s to say why you like it.



Map (from last week) or a globe


Bitesize link


Photo pack (you do not need to print)





LO: To identify key features of places of worship.


SC:  I can draw a mosque (including the key features that can be seen on most mosques)



Look at the photo pack of mosques around the world.

What do you notice? Discuss similarities and differences?

Can you see the Minaret and Qubba/s?

Minaret (tower) One of the most visible aspects of mosque architecture is the minaret, a tower adjacent or attached to a mosque, from which the call to prayer is announced.

Qubba (dome) Most mosques also feature one or more domes, called qubba in Arabic. While not a ritual requirement like the mihrab, a dome does have significance within the mosque—as a symbolic representation of the vault of heaven.


Draw/ design a mosque. It will need to look similar to the ones that you have seen in the photo pack and include the features mentioned above.

Optional: There is a labelling mosque activity if you wanted an extra activity.

Photo pack