
THIS WEEKS WORK - Week Beginning 1.3.2021

Possible home learning ‘timetable’, similar

to a day in Doves Class


9:00 -10:15

Complete a challenge/ free play, inside or outside (see suggested ideas list)

10.15 -10.35

Live Zoom with Mrs Bailey phonics/letter and word play. Have a go on your own afterwards.


Snack time

Help a grown up to organise snack time.  Wash hands. Count to 20 whilst lathering or sing a handwashing song. Select a fruit or veg. Prepare it (wash, cut). Pour a cup of water or milk. Enjoy it. Then wash up. 

Once tidy enjoy some fresh air.

10:45 – 11:45

Complete a challenge/ free play, inside or outside. (see suggested ideas list)

11:45 – 12:45

Help prepare lunch. Help with setting the table and tidying up. Eat.

Once tidy enjoy some fresh air.

12.45 – 12.55

Quiet time – take a few minutes to do some deep breaths/close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you/do a ‘mindfulness’ activity

12.55 – 1.15

Watch White Rose Maths video and do activity.

1:15 – 3:00

Complete a challenge/ free play, inside or outside. (see suggested ideas list)

3:00 – 3:20

Story time. Snuggle up and enjoy a picture book, share songs and rhymes.


There’s learning in lots of everyday activities too:

  •         Getting dressed – Maths - sequencing the order of clothes, Physical development: manipulating fastenings
  •         Sorting the washing into colours - Maths
  •         Pairing and matching socks – Maths, naming/describing patterns
  •         Pegging out washing – fine motor skill development
  •         Sweeping and cleaning develops co-ordination and muscles
  •         Cooking and food preparation has everything! Weighing counting stirring chopping spreading, naming ingredients, describing them, reading and following a recipe, watching how ingredients change with heat or cold …


Please don’t forget to upload any photos of your learning from any activities, inside or out, on ‘Evidence Me’


down and turn letters hw
Large Printable Pennies
I Can Read Phase 2 
 How to write 'ladder' letters:


Doves Class White Rose Maths Home Learning

Week beginning 01.03.21


Building 9 and 10  Week 1

Monday – Representing and Sorting 9 and 10


Tuesday – Representing and Sorting 9 and 10 (continued)

Wednesday – Ordering Numerals to 10

Thursday – Composition of 9 and 10

Friday – Numbers to 10 Bingo